
The van Houtens, The Netherlands and the History of Chocolate

 The van Houtens, The Netherlands and the History of Chocolate   Food & Beverages With supermarket shelves stocked with a huge variety of goodies, boutique stores selling interesting and innovative products and the wholesale confectionery industry more exciting than ever, it is hard to think of a time before chocolate was in everybody’s cupboards. We often think of modern chocolate as originating in Belgium, or perhaps Italy, yet it was in the Netherlands that some of the most important inventions took place. Why was the Netherlands so important? In the 1800s the Netherlands was small but powerful. As a wealthy, seafaring nation, it controlled the majority of the world’s cocoa trade. The city of Amsterdam was one of the most important cocoa ports meaning that the city was full of cocoa beans, ready for intelligent chocolate lovers to get inventive. Inventing the Chocolate Bar Imagine life without the humble chocolate bar. The snap of an 80% bar, filling the room with its bitter aro

The unique features and benefits of powder coating plants

 The unique features and benefits of powder coating plants   Business Powder coating plants are extensively used in various types of industrial settings for machinery protection. With industrial powder coatings, it is possible to enhance machinery performance and protect them from damage in chemical plants, gas and oil plants, medical facilities and electric plants. These coatings are typically thin and work as protective layers that completely encompass an object. They are widely known for their powerful anti-corrosive properties. The industrial powder coatings offers easy to use features and can be implemented for a wide range of functions and uses, starting from all kinds of metal structures to even pipes and gears. Industrial coatings are generally prepared with a number of experimental chemical compositions. They are also field tested in different  kinds of extreme scenarios that may involve fires and other conditions. The coatings are re-strengthened by carrying out evaluation te

What Walmart does for happy shoppers

 What Walmart does for happy shoppers    E-Commerce Walmart has been one of the best retail chains in the world, because they have been providing their customers with quality products and unmatched services for over 50 years. That’s exactly the reason why the store gives their customers with so many options to save money such as, coupons, offers, and Walmart Cashback guarantee, which can also help you save money, at least sometimes. Coupons to keep everyone happy: The Walmart Coupon given to their customers does the same job as any other coupons available in the market. The store obviously provides these vouchers for everyone so as to avail some form of discounts on a specific product. This is good news for the customers as well as the store because it’s a win-win situation. Discounts attract people and more people means more business. The Walmart Coupon Code helps you save a lot when you're shopping online. These are nothing but the exact same codes that’s written on a regular Wal